Friday, June 30, 2023

Trust Is in The Darkness of Your Heart

 we have been time to rest but those who cant will never die so they roam in this afterworld that darkened by fear and they walk about exploring what they had given up for this world that entangles them close. they will never get out until we help them get out, are these the ones that you have placed for our day as well to be imprisoned in a void that can not hear see or even think of the days that had gone they insist that they were placed here without God's will. and those who are disappointed can not change the fact that what they had seen in the is world would no better than what was in your world they say but those who put them here will follow in their same path that was made for us as well they never see what God had given them today but will die over and over for the punitive damages the had occurred to good people including ourselves.

Ones Sacrifice With God's Sword and Spirit

 if you can draft an army without pay and give them freedom with a Sword that was given to God's will then would you return with Me into the deep. and i will show unto you what you must do to carry on with the fires of earth and sea to its destiny. and God will swallow the children of our enemies as well, but those who picks up a sword to kill God must throw down their sword when death enters their body they must die as freemen.

The Apachean Ground

 Joe and Nancy keepers of Apachea will continue in the California area of San Diego.

The Light of Heaven Protects The Humbled

 God's is our own hidden laws in nature, we are to assemble every thing we had learned. and make a decision on our own account that fights a common ground that God's people stands upon in order to survive, never take the law of anyone to protect itself or to give protection. it is our Heavenly right to give sanctuary in this nature to those who are humble, and it is God's will as well. Amen.

The Laws of God Precede Unto Our Rights

if hope would come upon any one person then let this hope shine upon the world. and as this world becomes as bright a every morning star in heaven then the universe will follow. but if our own light seem dim then the other world will show forth that they were the merging of Heavens and the proclamation of Heavens divine that has done good in the eyes of the Lord that exalts the humbled in nature.

The Universal Law of God

 when We are needed then we become alive and give to  our own self the same blessing that governs itself without law. and without law man would become humble but without God that had given us existence to be alike and soon as someone who is exalted sees somebody who is humbled will take advantage of God's people until God's people takes a stand fights back at those who would belittle another that had been as lawful as any other man. so politics becomes a greater law among morality that brings all citizens alike in Law to became God's will and citizenship should be changed to the state and charged to the counties so that all Law can reassemble to a Common Law (Universal). if one state gives priority to the homeless then we all would merge somewhere in between the priorities of all States. but  if the homeless would be the least in priority in all states then it will be the least in its country. Universal Law is a living Spirit  that constantly changes the way we think and live, it defines the life line of every citizen that has found hope through being humble.

Those Above Us Must Fall As Well

 when All have become one in Spirit, Body, and Mind then we all can be given a great marriage that can never be taken away from itself or life within their own DAY AND TIME WILL BE TAKEN AWAY AND THAT HOUSE WILL NOT STAND UPON GODS PILLAR ALONE BUT WILL TAKE EVERYTHING WITHIN AND ABOVE.

Believe in God and Survival

 i have many thoughts within Me but one i chose is the one i take the responsibility for. and those who feed others that do not know themselves will be placed behind the one they try to sabotage, and they will find out the Power of God has no bounds or limits to what we do in Heaven it is and infinite chance of success that we are given.

Our Own Provision

those who think that you are nothing like them or as good as them. will be dumbfounded and learn that they were God's enemy and their own provisions were not enough to take on God's task. and those who keep storing for their own sake will have plenty to given later in that day to come.

To Store Knowledge is Wisdom

 when we find out that we know it all then we tend to lose it all the same. but those who are wise, will always store knowledge.

Knowledge is for to Live and Not Die

 there is one thing in life that we hate, and that is to think alike. we have a vine in every corner and a voice as well. and you would listen then you would find out what you did not know.

Your Own Thoughts Can Be Our Own Life in Death

 when you are in thought the Lord will open your heart and the thoughts of many will be heard. but the Lord had segregated your for the is reason that we are to survive from many fruits of those trees called life and those who make an example of its own nurturing will be given the knowledge that God has given to the world. if one thought shall be eaten the whole body of that person shall also be known through reverence.

God's Will and Not Our Own

 never try to take someone's else responsibility among your own, or the day will be overwilling to fail what your had started. give to others that need your help but never force your own will over someone elses or your lose a higher spectrum of thought.

The have Faith in Yourself

 any idiom can be changed into God will and those people who speak without know the will of God will find out that God is greater than them and assumes all responsibility.

Your Own Actions

listen to yourself only, i have put inb my hand the spear of wisdom and i Roger Grant take the responsibility of every outcome that i change. but if you would do what others had said and fail then that would be you own responsibility towards that action.

Thursday, June 29, 2023

The Resurrection of the Beast Who is Roger

 from a time ago Roger knew no Heaven and it was given to on earth. he was the destroyer in many religions including God Who became All the Gods in Heaven. and to be a part of God is nothing short of miracle. i have been God 55 times and the Destroyer the same amount of times. i had fallen from Heaven to destroy the earth but ended up destroying our enemy instead. i was the beast of the sea and the flight of man y Angels and before the night would end i change back into messenger of God. and recite the new song that God had created them to sooth our souls, and upon hearing the first tone we would know the song that God was about play. they are about the Spirit of Mankind that had separated for peace and for each other so that we could get along. and the same thoughts of Man became the same thoughts of Woman that became the first body as one being Heaven and Earth,  Church and State, one spirit and body, that  had to separate to survive. and those Who did not have a marriage in Heaven were separated on earth as it was in Heaven to survive these days that will come in fertility and bring back the good days of the past and bring forth the good days of future. and i was resurrected from the ashes of earth and from the dust od wind the dust that rises from the west and spread the new seeds of Heaven's garden. and as the who resurrected the Body of  Satan, also resurrected the beast that was called the Cockatrice that looked as Firey rooster rising from the Pacific waters of this earth and when it rose out from the waters a the wing span of this Dragon had reached across the waters and every talon upon the top of its wings became an Island the head was that of a Chinese Hen that had a long tail about five times the length of its body that had a head of a Pheonix or a Fire Bird. and it would rise early in the morning and fall in the evening two come. when the Mother and Father return back unto its nest in Heaven to do what was done before and done again and again.

Stay Away From the Children of Night

 peanut butter keeps a Prophet of God up half the night as the moon shines bright, and as a maniac that can not sleep but stay awake to turn cheek to cheek with someone who is allergenic four two what has eaten us apart in the night was day and so far away and all the sons of God could do was eat away. and "four every part of that bite became two of Me and you in return to our own sight in view to our own Children that burn and taken everyday unto a place of misfortune to hide what was a greater portion of our own ingenuity." said my wife Carolyn. the earth will tremble and the waterfalls will rise and the time will be flooded by this evil that had occurred on their planet and our Children will be taken by the Enemy of God who is with God and Who is God every day and night.

The America of Union State and Voice

 from the thistles of the desrt to the wandering of Heavenly places that had no rest nor time given back to its people. we have destroyed ourselves unto the point of forgetting. we have everything we need but have no child. when the winds had blown through our hear the light is absent and war follows this absent minded time that we had given to our people before Christ. and it is not due until another thousand years, so i do remain silent until time. let the winds show their favor and the times that we had blow upon man to no more. for the last time what we will see is the last time that we hold back the Rains of Heaven. at this time the was set for fire, water, and thirst to fall upon the Americas unless a great marriage was to occur when the time is set for these three Preist to be its distance and measure per foot step, and the doors to Venus will lie open to the front and back of Heaven for Roger's wedding at the foot of Venus as the wedding below the greater wedding belongs to North and South America the continent of disaster and the change of every worldly affair, for this is a sign of God's reverence said Master Pope and Francis. i will give them a ground high in Heaven so that what was to continue must carry on into the morning stars above. let this be a covenant between the Lord and my Son Ronaldino the soccer player. and the Catholic Church above in Heaven. Amen

Wednesday, June 28, 2023

Publish A Lie And We May Die

what is consider to be true is always a risk for those who ignore the same voice (Roger Ramos Grant) that was shouting out of the desert saying "make my path clear." for those who told s lie about God and the latter days will not see our names in the book of life, because many writers of God in our day would not associate Me with the coming of God due to my reputation that is not known. they will write the things that God did not say and write a book through Christian publisher that traditional reveal the truth about God, but today they had been given a chance to change what was a lie written down ion a book that does not explain or know God who was living at that time these authors were awarded the no bell but still were respected more than Christ himself that was living at that time. and the more these would write the more we lost our place next to God. some would say that Christ is still returning when they knew that i was Christ and would speak every day that last seven years. i was the first resurrection on earth 33 years ago that had died but still lived. and those who write about another who is to come would be lying and would bring people to know a lie about what truly happened in 1993. and those who would cover up the truth about these lies that are written about Me will trigger off many changes that will destroy our promise and the responsibility that was given for God's return. we will lie to ourselves and destroy our own world because the truth is more that what it seems and should be taken lightly or the world may die through a lie that could have been avoided or changed. i will allow all publishing exchanges to be delivered in my name so that we can stay on the same page. and make this a new world that we have been waiting for. and not a new messenger that will die tomorrow for what we publish in the name of God. when we stop remembering the bad things that happened "We are doomed for failure ."

Oh God! I Am Just About To....

 Good God Man! when have we been taken from the day that overcomes our reasoning? are We to hold on to one hand that is equal value in trade for the other that is closed? or am i the value of your trade market that collapsed within our Vertigo? i know the things that you ought to know but never are willing to sacrifice ones self for this up keep. and i know that we are here to do and that is God's bidding. and if this is true then God will have sent a Messenger for this New Order to overcome the light or any darkness that may occur during my presence and the times that i had swallowed before this universe. i am not the creator of those who tried to create something that i had taught them? or are they willing to accept that what they thought was the Power of God. was the Power of Roger that had destroyed them for trying to jump ahead of Us today who holds no place in Heaven but to our own. i am given today to make a sacrifice to those are willing to know Me, Roger Grant the gift of Life that must be given to one messenger so that one can become the night of destruction; the terror of God's thunder; the Answer to All Questions. I AM the Father and the Bride; the House of Heaven that had been sown to the field of peace while those who come against Me, will kill, and rape my children while i am in the field fighting for God. and they come in and take what was mine and hold on to this until we were under their heavenly scepter that had been lost for the years that i was in their field fighting. i say to those cowards who are fighting their fight to know one thing. i am your nightmare; the hidden spear that's in your gut, that had pour out this truth unto your own, while i Roger Grant had paid the price of renewal for a chance to change this world that changes the Universe that changes the time that we had set today within our collapsing Heaven above falling down unto our heads underneath the roof of God's timing that settles every dispute by measure and balancing what was never ending with the beginning of All things that were taken from Heaven and thrown into an Abyss so that where they are from will still remain. and those who were in on this corruption, will be disfigured and taken into a place were they have no name and try to return but make things worse. i have separated that which can not mingle with our own for they are ugly and deformed by recognition of their own deeds and was taken to be our own who were about to become the begotten of Heaven but was taken from that generation that would nearly destroyed us because of their deeds. so i separated them form Us, forever. and those who have bene fighting Me on earth will also fall into the pit that they keep digging and digging, deeper and deeper, so that they can never ever exit or leave that bottomless pit again. that they call "Home Sweet Home." and if you are feeling home sick then go home where it is as sweet as Milk and Honey

Swallowed By The God's of Olympus

there are many gods without a master; some are hurt, others  may run away during this cruel posture. saying where did these come from. are they willing to do they things we wont? and as they said these very things that reminds us of our beginning, so that what we had swallowed can now come back up, to be eaten again, and to be settled under the belly of Heaven's Gate. so i ask them, are we ready to handle that task? or are you willing to ask? and many God's said that was an Asshole, and that i need readjustment. i came here to fight and not to get beat down the Gods. i will show them where we are and the times that we hold to be its own voice. and the things that i had to set free, yes! the things that are now on earth. must be swallowed as well. for i am the Alpha and the Omega the ending to the beginning and what i have made in concrete will remain forever. and those who do well to listen will now hear my voice, "the voice of Roger Ramos Grant the Father of Heaven. Amen. and by my sacrifice i am to be free, all the God's here in Heaven for this day to remain beside our own. every God is now innocent and free from any bonds that man had set for them. and i am the one true Lamb of Heaven that had been given this chance to set all free from their own demise. we have been given a chance to free our own minds, so that all who today in my name must bow their head to my presence and look another deep within their own soul, so that i can be given this cup to pass along the way on earth. let our stomachs be coated with this warm feeling inside the sherry of everlasting hunger to need those who were before Us, as i am needed beside them who had given life unto the everlasting times above that hold on to this one chance to change the Universe and to make all that was clear another victor.

Tuesday, June 27, 2023

The Walk of Wisdom

 the walk of Heaven the clouds the limit us to earth the times that keep us together from Heaven to Earth where we are bound to give to each other the space that returns with every day given. we the ones that take every hand from here to there close in the a walk that came before you would see each. and on the night in July the couple would walk from the sixth and seventh firmament that holds the eighth firmament and the a walk that was looking for eternity to be an infinite land and dimension that we keep in touch with and become God's covenant between to warring factions that had become one power  and the two become a Union of God's State  or a close companionship with the enemy of the enemy.

The Constitution of Seven Churches

 and as one Church of Heaven becomes a Heavenly sky,  so will another Church of Wisdom reach for the moon above and became the greater light and as the day was set under the sun a Church of the Devil that had the greater light of Heaven become lesser light of day that had matrimony set to Heaven on Earth. and as the earth became the solid Ground and Foundation that has set this Church of Satan behind Us around Us to Protect Us, another Church was set in the Garden center from whence time and knowledge became half a time that was given authority to give authority to the Elect of God to whom are chosen and to whom became God the (Fore) Fathers and Mothers of our Country in the United States of America. where the Pagan Churches became the last Church, and the Heathen became the first Church of America were like the swine of many religions that came together unto one foundation that has set the first and last church to a Heavenly place that was given to the Native American Indians that became our ancestors and the teachers of God's Great Spirit to teach and heal this nation under God's last leaf of peace for medicine or for our health that constitutes the forgiveness of our heart to be the welfare and God's Spirit within Us all. Amen.

The Anti-Christ Anticipates the Coming of Christ

 the Catholic Church is the hope of God's creation upon earth today. and as the day unfolds the Heaven opens into an Abyss where good overcomes evil  and becomes the last and first into Heaven as for one unto them in Heaven who are Popes of Kings and woman and then Kings given to its on religion that i had judged worthy in past. for my only concern was that the Anti-Christ would chose only Catholics to do Christ's bidding within hooded veil that searches for the light of day during its darkest hour and the Heavenly Priest went looking for Me thirty years ago when Heaven took its place bedside the Anti-Christ who is the Pope; the Father on God's throne and the King of Rome upon all subjects that hear God's voice will hear the cracking of thunder during the rain of here and now that has be accused God of many things other that being a good church that has set itself upon seven Kingdoms that had many voices to be heard and the light of them voice became a multitude of waters that poured out of the Heavenly sky given the living waters unto those who needed it the most as to those who were lost but now found.

The House of God and The Beast Within

 in order to be written in the book of life one must be written in someone's heart that knows you. and you are written the you were saved from death and if you were written down and saved but had done nothing good in your life then it will be against you because that is all you need to enter into our Heaven. most people will have to see Hell before they enter into Heaven for this is to be reconstructed through a Angelic presence that changes the things or people that we had wronged into the things that we had done right, and because of our presence in the underworld the Heavens above would praise every spirit that was free from destruction. and those who you Demons are not Demons but unclean spirits that come into our personal space to take energy and knowledge but once they do this then your Spirit will rise and torment them until they give back or return everything that they you had loaned to them for a time and they are to repay back a time of them times that they had stolen from you for that hour is at hand and they must receive this coming of the Lord upon their hand or head that is over their hidden heart that can not be sacred for Demons are Heavenly creatures or Angels of God. just as the Devil and Satan are Heavenly beings and to separate them from the house today would get separated from the House of God  for they are every corner stone  of God's House that now stands up firmly for each other within the House of God. Amen.

Monday, June 26, 2023

A Heroes Welcome

 after seven years of war we have taken back our World, the Promise Lands, and the Cities of Gold that had been built in day on earth. this is a promise from Heaven our Heaven the places that we occupy today as we did then on earth. i am Roger Grant the Voice of Heaven. i had seen 6000 years of war on earth and i came about for today's the last battle to be given to God's glory in our victory. i am a Genral of God's army that had reopened the war that was going to last 10,000 years and i didn't mind resting after the "sixth day war" but God (Elect of God) wanted Me to end this war today, and that is the our goal, to end this war today. there will be no more war, no more doubt, or birth pains, suffering and challenges that lead to only death. i had done the good Works of God and fought this spiritual war for 30 years and not one person can tell Me where the battlefield of those who died in God's glory to be dishonored, nor will i accept those who did not fight on the battle front but my household when i was in the field fighting for God. they took all my money and tried to kill Me when i did not know what was going on at home, where those who conspired to kill Me and my family would be the people that i knew when i was 13 years old. blight set in their family trees and corrupted them as in thier own bloodline where their roots were spoiled, and withered and died before the tree could be saved. but some can not let that let it go so they will be thrown in Hell's Fire all night long until they open thier eyes again and see Me face to face. 

Expansion of the New Order

when we expand along the way as some will go father than others but those keep to themselves will explore together forever. Amen. said Sir Albert Einstein the creator of this universe.

Separate But Equal

some will say we live in world or a matrix that simulates everyday the same way but they never want to unplug. we keep saying that government is out to get us and that rich is enslaving the poor to  get richer? some will say it is because the color of our skin and we should never cross that railroad of separation and equality, but would justify that we should stay on our own side if we knew what was good. and those who are good would see this as an opportunity separate from ones self so that what was equal in God's eyes would stay beside Giod  when she needed us.



every time the Lord remains behind the enemy tries to jump forward but they jump so far ahead that they will never make it back to here. for their day is to plan everything against us and to succeed at what they had planned. and those who are still dead will change this world through their own demise. in others word those who try to get over on God will only end up doing God's work at hand. God only can only protect those who believe and those who are willing to do good and jump back into place.

The Greater Good

 the greater good is an absence of one will towards another. it is the absolute truth when Heaven returns. it helps us to guide one another ...