Thursday, June 29, 2023

The Resurrection of the Beast Who is Roger

 from a time ago Roger knew no Heaven and it was given to on earth. he was the destroyer in many religions including God Who became All the Gods in Heaven. and to be a part of God is nothing short of miracle. i have been God 55 times and the Destroyer the same amount of times. i had fallen from Heaven to destroy the earth but ended up destroying our enemy instead. i was the beast of the sea and the flight of man y Angels and before the night would end i change back into messenger of God. and recite the new song that God had created them to sooth our souls, and upon hearing the first tone we would know the song that God was about play. they are about the Spirit of Mankind that had separated for peace and for each other so that we could get along. and the same thoughts of Man became the same thoughts of Woman that became the first body as one being Heaven and Earth,  Church and State, one spirit and body, that  had to separate to survive. and those Who did not have a marriage in Heaven were separated on earth as it was in Heaven to survive these days that will come in fertility and bring back the good days of the past and bring forth the good days of future. and i was resurrected from the ashes of earth and from the dust od wind the dust that rises from the west and spread the new seeds of Heaven's garden. and as the who resurrected the Body of  Satan, also resurrected the beast that was called the Cockatrice that looked as Firey rooster rising from the Pacific waters of this earth and when it rose out from the waters a the wing span of this Dragon had reached across the waters and every talon upon the top of its wings became an Island the head was that of a Chinese Hen that had a long tail about five times the length of its body that had a head of a Pheonix or a Fire Bird. and it would rise early in the morning and fall in the evening two come. when the Mother and Father return back unto its nest in Heaven to do what was done before and done again and again.

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The Greater Good

 the greater good is an absence of one will towards another. it is the absolute truth when Heaven returns. it helps us to guide one another ...