Thursday, June 29, 2023

The America of Union State and Voice

 from the thistles of the desrt to the wandering of Heavenly places that had no rest nor time given back to its people. we have destroyed ourselves unto the point of forgetting. we have everything we need but have no child. when the winds had blown through our hear the light is absent and war follows this absent minded time that we had given to our people before Christ. and it is not due until another thousand years, so i do remain silent until time. let the winds show their favor and the times that we had blow upon man to no more. for the last time what we will see is the last time that we hold back the Rains of Heaven. at this time the was set for fire, water, and thirst to fall upon the Americas unless a great marriage was to occur when the time is set for these three Preist to be its distance and measure per foot step, and the doors to Venus will lie open to the front and back of Heaven for Roger's wedding at the foot of Venus as the wedding below the greater wedding belongs to North and South America the continent of disaster and the change of every worldly affair, for this is a sign of God's reverence said Master Pope and Francis. i will give them a ground high in Heaven so that what was to continue must carry on into the morning stars above. let this be a covenant between the Lord and my Son Ronaldino the soccer player. and the Catholic Church above in Heaven. Amen

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The Greater Good

 the greater good is an absence of one will towards another. it is the absolute truth when Heaven returns. it helps us to guide one another ...