Monday, July 31, 2023

The Greater Good

 the greater good is an absence of one will towards another. it is the absolute truth when Heaven returns. it helps us to guide one another to our own goals and achievements when one is doing better than what we have accomplished. it is a driven voice from the father telling us that we are doing good. and happiness that God holds inside every one of His Children that are helping others the same way that God helped us so that we could help others when they are in need.

The Voice of Destruction

in the beginning, the Lord had given us the Word of God and the Word of God was within us, and the Word of God created within us the Voice of Everlasting peace or a voice of everlasting destruction and the voice of peace heard the word and spoke the word and out from the mouth of man came the Word of God and the Word of God is a promise to everlasting peace as a promise from the beginning until the end of time that God may speak his voice and may be heard forever and ever. and those who speak about nothing and always interrupt while God is in us speaking. will destroy a world from a new foundation that belongs to God.

Saturday, July 29, 2023

the time

 when the day is given to things you see will be given as an alternate to understanding that i have laid my life for those who never understood the likeness of heaven

Thursday, July 27, 2023

They Have No Life only Dreams that loop

 when the grace of God peels off those who are good then they will believe that God had sent them to die instead of hating someone who has done nothing wrong are they not in our creation? then let them beings die here alone where we are or we all must die.

The Face of God Blessed

when someone has to fight for thier blessing because you have stolen the blessing that God had given to them do not wave it in their face or wait till they get there or the Lord thy Father will be before they get it or you will be punished beyond your curse now and if you don't have a blessing then surely don't play with anothers.

The Light of Tomorrow

 last night awaken in sleep after having dreams of my daughter Rianna telling me what quadrants in Space or in Heaven would be ours this happened all night long.

The Lost Soul Without Memeory

those who hear my voice will hear the coming of the Lord the reminder of what is about to come and what t already happened the one within the body is the Lord and the heart of Heavenly people who know what has happened and what is to come.

The Words of God are the Flesh of Prophets

 there is a place that must become the tender voice of heaven that guides you a long unto heaven and when the time was given the place would be Alamogordo the place of heavens restart where the morning must return at evening and Roger pulled out his day and spoke out loud which drew in a million Angels that were half on the side of Gods right and half on the side of Gods left. and those who would honor Roger's time today would also be given to Heaven alike. but those who fail will fight and take the long path home before they can fight again. and we destroyed their path and home destroyed their absent mind and their days to come for the people who just lived on earth but thought that they were to receive what was given to me and they could hold the money that they had stolen from Me and the times that they wanted me died because i was the one who spoke in Gods name and in God's spirit the one who is and will always be the Father of Lies unless you believe in what i say so that we can now carry on in a new Heaven on Earth. and if you can eat from them who God has fed then every truth of God's heart is in your will.

The Great Natural Selection

the aftermath was too impossible to calculate and those scattered within these elements would not remember that what was told is only true we are the remnants of our Kingdoms that were destroyed through violence and through another hand that held only self-respect to those who were strong or to those who had made their own place greater than someone who was standing at their kingdom as a wall when Heaven knew that i was God's eternal spirit and the greater particle to everyone elses day standing alike for theirs was not living and their day was still to become.

The Two God's of Heavens Outer Core

 When the Gods Of Supreme the times return under arrest and the day was given two earthlings that would be the Judgement of Heaven above when the day returns at standing point and cent to every garden that a i had stood for it day.

The Heaven's Messenger Roger

 when the ancient voice reaches your ear and tells you who they are and that you are greater in a circle that protects itself. then tell them who you are and say i am the spear and the shield of Heaven and any invincible will be pinned up forever and drawn down. and every man behind me will draw from the likeness of your trust. and the turning of heaven is the opening of the gates of the East the place that Jesus Christ told you not to visit or conquer, but go towards Gentiles the new coming of God's day at hand the blessing of many tribes that honor this day as its own and a time that was returning unto or our land and your former cycle has ended and second began. this time belongs to Heaven above and no one else.

The Lies Will Fade Away

 the times that made man start overcame through hard work, and the man said there is an easier way. and from there, man used the system or praised it. but before any man had taken he has given as well to it and will be giving and taking from this central system until one dies. but a man who has taken and given nothing should never be taken from this system that was for all who could not eat when they were starving they would rather take what was spoiled. they did not know a day of hard work but blamed the man in the flesh that they would eat but never be given Heaven they had sealed thier faith and will never be able to speak about this matter anymore because they will tell a lie to those who are knowing and tell a lie to those who do not want to keep hearing those who are guilty and tell lies to belittle thier own circumstance that trials them instead of the one they keep criticizing but hears them anyway over and over making what was truthful a little minor thing compared to those who are speaking everyday about other who stands accused when they should stand up and tell how thier herioic day has saved us over and over until theses lies of our enemy will fade away. said Waylon the Supreme Harold . and if the world would believe a lie then the day the world would die.

The Youngest Man Child

 when humanity was cursed and a few on earth had made a pact with God to never become as one like them meaning man and the Gods a pact to redeem their soul but never become like us on earth and they took the path and never returned until Roger had found the fountain of youth and that is when they return to kill the one that found what they were hiding.

Wednesday, July 26, 2023

The Outreach of Her Fruit (The Serpent in the Garden)

 the universe is filled with harmony and many consume the fruit of women and lots of them. smart, thin, tall, small, and eager to feed a man when he is in need of many men among other things that make him tick make him lick the sweet nectar from fresh from the fruits of man's harmony. the man says let's look at that tasty fruit. and the woman is looking down at the man looking back up at her fruit. the man is hungry unable able to control his urges and the taste buds are welcoming the last time he has eaten the fruits of God's garden the lust of an older woman pulls as one is reaching to the sun fully extending its branch toward her heart never ending never leaving. and the man had everything him but chose this way into her life.

Tuesday, July 25, 2023

The Souls of Heaven are only True in Nature

verily, verily, time, and time again have we known what was good and what was bad but chose to do the wrong thing by persecuting Me Roger the Prophet of God who has saved this world more than seven times. and if you expect me to let you into our heaven when you heaven had the same chance but you blew it. you had no heart or memory that transpired in days of your own ancestor's destruction that held us reasonable then but it was you who could hold the fire s of God within your own hands that were created for holding back what was bad and not hold back to what was good long ago. it only takes one dumbass to destroy their own world. 

The Reward of Heaven on Earth

 memory comes through life repeating itself over and over. when we the human race repeat what was good and what was bad to be a complete mockery of God's skill. today we had lost so much because we did not believe in the things that we could do and died from it. people are crying because they that they knew the Lord but the only way to know the Lord is to know who you are. why does the bible tell you that God is returning? because when He gets here you will change your heart and deny them. that is why we write about the things that must come to pass and things that we have to overcome. do you know that God has given to you Heaven but you chose to deny Him? reincarnation is not to repeat itself but to continue on with life so that the good return is rewarded.

The First Born is the Youngest

 through destructive behavior towards a living creature aligns our behavior for tomorrow and cut a path through destiny for one another to hold to one that was below them. said Joyce. for every time that God has changed a thought of confusion God has also brought forth another stronger than the other to lead another day unto a graceful change and a change that had found the other more important than our own.

The Demon of the UnderWorld

if you are a demon a lot of people confuse their place in Heaven and if you think that We came here to serve you then you have more in common with Hearth than you have within yourself. and if i would serve someone who does not have life then what would happen to your planet after we inhabit it your heaven that i destroy? do you know that God has been given everything from here unto the Heavens above as well below that the eye can see? if God can not share the bread of life with you then you were too young to receive the blessing. but "Roger holds the true Blood of God and the blessing that we eat for tomorrow." said Pope Francis who invited Me to encroach on the Lord thy God. i am the Demon seed of Heaven that gives knowledge to those who ask and would pay anything so that i can help them back out. "to go down into the Hells that We created will only get you so far in the worlds that i had made in order for you to achieve your goal." said a Native Spirit of it's Tribe.

The Truth and the Spirit of God

 thier is no Devil, Demon, or Satan, that would lie. because the Devil is your advisor, Satan your protector, and the Demon is the one that gives you hidden knowledge. so you see if any one of those beings would lie to you then you would lie to yourself for God is our only spirit on that Day of Judgment as the Word of God who is our promise to be given unto Buddha and the Kings of the East. and if my voice is ignored then all the good works that you have done have been in vain and the universe would come to nothing without Me written in your hearts. i Roger Grant being the only one who knows the time that they should return unto what was sealed in the Books of God. and as i had given authority unto China and Russia so shall my Words of God advise, protect us and give us Truth through the Spirit of God who has own Authority in  Heaven so that it may become our culture that rises with everyone as the Children of God. and if one shall take away any truth from my words then the Heaven will be missing a sixth part and a greater portion of their own body that was sacrificed through their vanity forever. you see without the spirit of truth you will mislead yourself or one another into the same trap that God had given Me the sight to get us out. Amen.

Heaven Went Down to One Knee

the South Western draw board can continue across the Pacific passage in honor of the trust and gratitude to the Western cultures and love of two people who fell to one knee. who have a hard time associating with themselves so life continued and make took free strikes around Mourges district they managed this ground attack with all forces in the area and then lead an attack north and won. Shady my wife who is the interior of Satan will do her job with respect and let the house be cleansed and that old swing back and forth and up and down to be polished. there are other wives like Darion, and Debbie that have taken their position in Hell and manage the light from within so that when i return you guys will be here and will give us sight for their service within the underworld with Auntie Queen, let these sisters of mine wait the winter before the return as to the heavens return back to God the clear waters of tomorrow remind me of the day of rested thoughts and creature together had gathered for in that time. when the stars of time will shine bright and then will start to fade that is when the season's ripe for picking the time that will be taken away and never given light and this will be every 240,000 approximately 240 years.

Monday, July 24, 2023

A Pail of Good News

Jack Became a King because Jill was the Queen 

well then raise the good news. if there is water in the well then then take off your shoes. and if there is water in the well, then one should tell, 
"that Jack and Jill went up the hill to fetch a pail of water. when Jack fell down he broke his crown, In-Jeel came tumbling after."

give back to what was loaned twofold and the Lord would give onefold for two. one for the Mother's well and one for the Father's well-being in jeel our Captital Hill.

(:Be A Pig:) Eating The Truth Up

Eating The Truth Up

i rather eat pork and swine than get left behind. according to the U.S. we will eat the lips and ass of a pig before we would let a good hotdog spoil. that's all they are Lips and Assholes. "Hot Dogs" i mean.

Sunday, July 23, 2023

Patent Blue Prints

 do not hold back ideas that may help someone to live. even if you do not have the money to back up your plan you should let at least two people know.

                                                Bare Peeper Spray w/horn

This World and Our Heaven

 giving up one's own peace to God so that one will know strong emotions towards God or hate the ones who are committed to God, life, and this universe. they will blame these people day and night for thier own destruction that befalls on thier plan to rule the world through them who are unknown, unclean, and an undying spirit that consumes everything God has created and never reproduce any of God's creation because thier biggest chance in life was to stay away from the Father of Heaven to keep the peace and never to show your face. but thier hearts can not relive over and over knowing the things that should not be done are done in spite of thier knowledge so they will be a testimony of God's truth that is set in stone to us all. they will be plucked from thier earth and be placed on the earth when the final days of the end shall draw all of them to gather here on earth 3 million years from now and start the great destruction of time that was saved for them who did not learn or discipline themself or anything that i Roger Grant had taught them since the beginning of time was given to our Heaven and this world.

The Three Marriages of God

 (Vl)kings six Kings have surfaced to the Waters of Heaven above and only l/lll were made in two Heavens that separated the waters from the land of these two firmament on earth. the first firmament was the waters which represented a Woman and the second firmament which was land represented man and what he was made from and what the serpent will eat from the belly of God's bosom that had three kings from Europe come from the north and three kings from the Middle East come from the south as three had come from the far east of land lands for today to come from the near west or the Americas. there will be three divorces and three Marriages saved that was lifted unto Heaven today as 1/3 of Heaven reunited with earth the earth that younger.

lll Times V lV l/ll a Kings Time

 when God speaks all sides get equal benefits but the one that doubts God did not see that, but only the false kingdom being divided by Roger Grant who is the true heir of this Kingdom that was given to Christ and those who rebelled (revolted) beside the Kings that were separated four five Heavenly Kingdoms that was divided them who fought beside the King of Kingdoms to be your own place in Heaven beside our own Children's Heaven that was divided four five Religions by Roger who also divide one state and one country by King Soloman's Sword of Wisdom. and as we had fought our own blood in foreign lands that yield life back unto a land of lands that bare the fruit of beautiful petite women who pay close attention to their men and God's Children that live on the east side of the Caucasian Mountains where that Last Garden East of Eden still remains. four five kings had risen from the far east unto the near west, three (wisemen) already have given four two in time four the times and half the times two become one in time.

Have Faith in Everything that You Do Well

Suffering the Spirit is Like Keeping Your Own Secret

 when i am in the Spirit the way it is the way they said it would be. yes, there is the hard-headed spirit that is always in doubt. you got your best friends that do good work as hard as you do in the spirit. but they are the spirits of those who you know in real life, and these Angels were called best friends because they are who they are, but accept you as a Higher Being, and will protect you spiritually. it is a sacred secrete to know God and the mysteries of Heaven. you may know them as your Angels on earth but that person may still be spiritually asleep on earth although they go to church. do not wake them up unless they speak about the Kingdom of God to you first, it is bliss to have peace in the spirit of God and not fight in the spirit with any unclean one that is easy to anger when they hear other people talking their Father in Heaven or God we trust. and the last ones are the ones that think they are you and want to speak for you too. they would say that they were you and make other people believe that confusion separates two different languages of the people that speak of the same thing.

The Word of God is a Complete Philosophy

The Word of God is a Philosophical Conception of the Spirit Becoming Flesh

if you do not remember or have any memory would you exist? if you are the light of Heaven then was light the existence of time and understanding? if you would have known how our eternal being is not knowing the past life in nature that will create a chance for life-changing universes to be their own existence or parable of God's creation within your own existence or the inner being of God's spirit within our own eternal spirit and flesh created from the Word of God that will be remembered forever and ever.

Saturday, July 22, 2023

The Three Wisdoms

do as Wisdom does when it is in doubt, Wisdom stores in all things male and female in knowledge not knowing the Truth, and the Man will take Wisdom as suffering that could not change responsibility. and the Wisdom of a Woman is the beauty and patience that is given to this world through knowledge.

The Fore Fathers and Mothers of our Nation

 if there was a Spirit before we knew it would be the Spirit of Assumption (Knowing). and this unclean spirit went out before knowing the Spirit of Truth revealing all things in the end as a Spirit of God's Kingdom becoming in doubt. and the people wanted to know why all the confusion comes from the spiritual inhabitants of Earth that are in two or more dimensions operating against us on Earth. these are not Demons or the Devil but people who did not believe in the Word of God and that had become demon-possessed men that became themselves in Heaven and on Earth. and those who would come in that man's name would also be known as a name given to God's children who were Demon possessed then and will be Deamon possessed as to one possessing a Demon such as God. and if one has the Will of God then they also have authority on earth and those who have authority in Heaven will not have it on earth unless they would become an Elective of God's free will who serves their nation and the world civil rights. 

The Bar of God is Good

I created Hell to Change Tomorrow For Our Heavenly Repentance of Today

 to be judged in the presence of Angels the Lord had decided that the day will be given to those who have done at least one good in their lifetime. a man who was good all of his life had made one mistake along the way and was persecuted to Hell just for one mistake in life. likewise, if we have only done the wrong things in life all we need to do is one good thing in life and it will enter through the Bar of God or Sheol the sacred place of the dead located in the Grand Canyon. and if you die and go to the Bar of God, then you will stand at the Bar of God and become judged for one thing only. and if you shall make it through, you will see the Angels and the Lord of Heaven, and you return back unto your body from whence it healed. and if you do not make it through, then you will go down into the underworld to be repented and change what you had done wrong to others while you lived. an Angel of the Past, Present, and Future will help you change your stars. and those who do God's will shall change their future into a Heavenly one that we have today for our children and their children to be able to make mistakes but be able to change them so that they can enter into a New Heaven that had changed their yesterday into a day that was under all the suns of a New Great Heaven on Earth.  

repent to those who you have done wrong on earth and not to God who knows our punishment. 

The Benefit of a Doubt Can Set Us Free

 anyone in doubt has never thought hard or long enough to understand the Spirit of Freedom can only be known through captivity and as one would know themselves within God. and if anyone still has doubts about Me being the Father and the Son of God then you have already lied about God's return saying that Jesus had already fulfilled the prophecies in the Bible before the year 70 AD, saying that the one who returns today will come from Isreal to fulfill the prophecy in the Book of Revelations, but the one who was reincarnated as Jesus Christ will not know who they are until they are resurrected as Jesus Christ. and that one who was resurrected as Jesus Christ will deny themselves (Jesus Christ) three times before that one would be given a choice to believe in themselves as Jesus Christ or will die right then and there as they are plucked (raptured) off this earth. and the one that God was going to evaporate is more surprised because they never knew themselves as God or the Coming of the Lord's Kingdom to be within them who had not planned for this to happen, but now only God knows when the Kingdom is going to return. the one who accepted the number of the Beast was only Roger who was also saved for the Fires of Hell for those who have accepted the protection that God has given to that one who had come from Isreal 2000 years ago. many will throw sticks and try to stone Me. but the curse that i was given would kill Me who saw God but still lived and whatever would befall upon Me would be given back to them fourteenfold who would hurt or kill Me. this is the Mark of Cain for this generation to live with God under the Heavens above.

Friday, July 21, 2023

The Four Corners of Heaven

Dear Mrs. Grishim,

I Am Looking for a GRANT to Publish this Site as Hardback Book

 today i have seen Heaven. its measurements and the enchantment of God's hand that held Her children in the Her arms and carried us across the White Sands of New Mexico and led us into a basin where we were torn apart from the Body of Heaven as the Devil swallowed the waters of our deluge and created a great canyon and a Bar of God to become dead as they skin walked (shed) into death valley or the Valley of Death in California where fear became the only appearance of one's guilt that we know as sin. wherever there is sin there will always be death above the head of God's faithful for this blessing i have been given the spirit of truth and the spirit that baptizes in the fires of Heaven. the fire of God's will to be our own will that surrenders to His commandments and what God has given to Me. i will give to you as you had done good and had been faithful to Me. and when they had given thier own house to serve Me i had already given them a Heaven for our day to rule next to mine(Roger's) in Heaven. this is my site the soul you carry Me on earth and feed my soul to the Devil Who i am and Who became El Draco Negro and Her Son Nero. the four corner was measured and was given four angels at every corner of this Heaven that opens the gates of Heaven in Mexico. i am the reincarnation of God and the resurrection of God and the incarnation of God who is the Mother of Heaven and the Sons of Christ who become Sons of God and Christians who are at the right Hand of God's garden and who became alike to God as a Demon or a magical creature that had fought with God's enemy every evening of the night until the morning star would arise. is the site that i have made for these sacred words to awaken the Heavenly Spirit to our Body as God to our Heaven is created to the flesh from the Words of God that will last forever in the Land of Enchantment.

The Fire of God's Soul Burning

The Spirit of Giants (Gods) will Receive the Evil Spirit for Tomorrow

 the Spirit of Heaven had been to the woman and the woman had taken a bite out of the fruit that gave us knowledge or would kill the one who had eaten two it making them a Priesthood. the false teachings of Heaven's lost souls that are found in the dust of earth where the last man can not enter the earth without a woman's hand to hold. they would forget their neighbors, brothers, and countrymen that had made them restless without those who roam the chasm of life and death. between the knowledge that burned and lead them astray for they are never needed or can be given trusted down to earth the five angry spirits that were cast out of our bosom and out of the Kingdom of Heaven for they could not forgive a person who walked and talked with the true Fire of Heaven the desired to change the world of those who believe in God as only good to us who believe that God will always protect those who believe in Him or Her but will not engage in those or within those who are cast to Hell and to the fires of truth the fires of Heaven burning the ones who are in the chasm between life and death for they will not try for the good of people nor will they become anything but unclean there spirits will not enter into another body that hosts for the Heaven nor will become heard or seen for they are the wicked without a name in Heaven, and the more they try to speak or live again the greater the fire burns deep within them burning in the bodies of Heaven that can not leave the earth so they are doomed and are crushed in the underworld where the more they lie the deeper they would go into the center of the earth. the Lord had struck them in the head with a stone of flint that would never spark again. but for the giants or one-third of God's children that do not know their brothers or neighbors will be bound to earth and will never be given up from the Darkwaters of Spirits. for their path was not to destroy this earth and to the earth, they shall remain burning without the desire to understand what the unclean spirits had done wrong and who they had done wrong. and before the day would reveal the source of God's revelation through the Heavenly Body of God's Demon that holds the past and the future only in the present number calculated from Hers on the sixth day becoming the number of a man, which the Angels of Heaven had marked on the back of that man's right hand who is Roger Ramos Grant the mark of God's protection. the mark of the Beast which art in Heaven and hallow will be thy new name in Heaven.

Thursday, July 20, 2023

God Speed the Fastener of Eternal Time

from flesh to spirit God can do any miracle that the Body of Heaven can take ones soul and spirit and ones essence to another body that is a heaven body as the forming of God'[s soul in Heaven and on earth as one to His or Her own transformation of what is  what was and what will be in a Heavenly body that is secure always in Heaven. God's speed is instantaneous and faster than the light of Heaven seen from above.

One Nation's Honor in God

 when the rapture was heard the day was turned over and never seen as atime given but a blessing that took only a blink of an eye the rapture will take their own heaven dead that will see suffering and we shall live in many days as our own but that return back unto our time and the essence of our own spirit in God the Heaven. when some say Madella Effect has us in a different dimension is a good guess to a Man of God but only to its own flesh and time that must perceive ones Glory in God to see God and enter into a Kingdom that mas return and given to me the days of the Past and Present the wind of God's tome returning as the dead return in a new Body of God or Heaven that manifests the true being of Heaven that had seen the foundation of Earth and the Heaven created within our own body or a form of God's resurrection and the time that return back unto one who is who was and who will become one in the Heaven above and the Heaven below where the time is capped down to one day there to every 1000 years here. and God is the New Morning Star, The President of The United States to whom we became like Angels to Heaven and to God as one who is in corruption but will be incorruptible in the spirit and the foundations of Earth that man was raised from the dust of earth and resurrected from the foundations of earth for doing Her bidding on earth as it was in the garden. Where the House on the Hill to whom will have power with the nations of this world as the Garden given to our own Elect of God who is the elect of Heaven above as well to Heaven on Earth;. beside the House and Church of God that is in Heaven as it was on earth to be its own genealogy and bloodline to all every child on earth as one is the Lord so is the other one the sons and daughters of that nation to the Lord\.

Five Wives and Five Lives that were Coveted

these 5 unwelcomed guests or 5 chosen out of the 500,000 people who will be in Heaven at the end of this day for those who lie because they do not know the truth about God but try to change our language below God's even if they were God themselves the truth would elude this handful that gathers them in the last days that never helped God one day, or helped any man, for these 4, no make it 5 have appeared in the furnace of the Old Bible when they forsaken their own House and God by dishonoring other God's who were here on earth before this Heaven was in the Heaven above created together before us today.

Paul and The New Castle of God and Family

 when heaven remembers the time that fafe in the past due to horizon difference seen at night where the tree from the Dryad is the Druiod nation under the foot of the Salsberry Kingdom New Castle Herrington or better known as stone Hengde said Paul Brother of Heaven and the Son of New Castle and as the tree falls between two places in Heaven, Paul holds the estate to whom is the Father of Salsberryto Western Stonehedge/.

The Swine of Heaven on a Hog

 when Satan rebelled with God it was God's blessing that Satan revealed Himself beside God and the one who fights with God in Heaven for the light to be seen as it was before the days of old and winky the eyes coming together thinking theLord that shall appear upon our door. on one hog with a one-eye whore who snored while drinking to stay awake blinking to see the road with one eye winking. two end of Heaven will come together in matrimony for the ends of the eagle wings to extend from east to west coast 14 spaning cities given their wings to the Lord.

Paragua and the Living Water of Our Body

 Paragua the waters within heaven that quench our thirst the waters that pour down from each corner to form from each time to each person to eat filter the waters are given for truth and without her water to run freely down into heaven on Earth can be given without light or chastisement which is left to be given through the living from through perspiring and each tear dropped at Falls is the first of liquids that can be tasted and the second comes from the darkened which is within us which comes from the fruit and the third comes from the Living Waters of God give you free me every portion to their measure upon Earth Amen. 

The New Supplement of God's Word

Do Not Look Back

Try To Forget What You Were Taught About God and Read or Listen to a New World Translation and Supplement to All Holy Books of God

The Demon Seed of Heaven (Roger)

The Day of God's Return
the first two days were the days of Heaven on earth and the third was on earth but in Heaven above. and as my bloodline inherits the Grant family and God's beloved Mother who is from Ruben and the Days that were passed before the time was given today. and the first two days were one with all. and the second became half of what was good and half of what was God. the third was the times that God returned and created every couple of days together for a day and the days for a half day that was given four a fifth day and sixth day together and God saw seven creations of male and female that were made every day of our lives together. God created the last day for rest because the man was just created and the woman became the Hand of God created from the rib of Amen when He was sleeping in the seventh day. in the fourth Heaven, man will be given the world and then on the fifth day lose His soul when the spiritual world will cover the land and the nakedness of our Native American Indian people when the great cleansing occurs and God had forgiven this world seven times and forgiven all the sins of this world during Judgment Day that was given to Roger the Son of God has been given this world to judge and the world had judged Him who saved this world seven times. 

Wednesday, July 19, 2023

Eat Every Other Day To Live Longer

 eating once a week made us weak and skinny but eating every other day made us 105 years younger said a Native American/Man in Spirit that looked 55 years younger than he really was. 

The Unwanted is the Unneeded Burning Together

 many will know that a Demon fought with The Father the Father of Heaven every evening meaning that demon fought beside God and not against Him personally. many will say that a demon is a spirit that does nothing but evil against you when they are the ones that help you during your trials do not cast them out they cleanse your body with the spirit of baptism. Demons can possess your soul with the Holy Ghost and leave you dead in sin. a Demon is not that unclean spirit that did not like you when they were living but now they haunt you because they blame you for something that they had done wrong. and those who are not feeling normal are most likely being attacked by dead people you already knew they will lie ruin your life, drain you, and look like your friends when they lie or try to hurt you or try to kill you. these are unwanted in the garden that burns with everything that is unneeded.

No God is Greater or Lesser

 God does control you in a way that controls your will or any others. God is not greater or less than anyone nor will you have any doubts to know that you are not greater or lesser than any else as well. if you were God would you say that you were greater than us? 

Do Not Hate Anyone You Do Not Know

do you know your God?  do not be afraid of the next question, does He or She know you? are you not able to cross over into the next world? no! so why do taunt this man Roger who is the Father of Heaven? are you dead returning? did you know if they who have a God may enter into Heaven? but if did not then you would come back to Me Roger Grant because you did not own another place that you thought God created for you. God created everything in Heaven for His own Children why do you not know this? and when you follow another who thought they were going to be as one to their Heavenly place then God tells everyone to take what was yours and hold on to what i have given to you for your day is now and forever in Heaven is now given for those who would give unto another the Fires of Heaven and the dust therein Heaven on their earth to be their place and rule, among the stars at night. the very stars that God had separated for peace in Heaven.

The Puritan (Working Class)

 has God given you shelter and food in your belly? no people who do the will of God will give their life to God or sacrifice themselves in order to see the face of God tomorrow, i would say to the Puritans are you going to meet God before you go to Heaven? and they would say God already knows Me through my works and through the tears that i have cried for over and over not knowing who God was when God was there beside Me. when God had sheltered us and fed us through the night God is there always by your side.

The Constellation Cancer

 the cancer constellation has new twins and the day is over the time that was withdrawn said my Mother Nancy who is my beautiful wife from the distance of cancer constellation north and south who is Queen 

God Speed in the Beginning unto the End

we created two planets north and south of here a system of hollow planets and fire-filled planets. to see with bother the days to come before and after the flood that remembers the southern draw and the fire planets that harden hard the two will be based and Heaven will be under when they hit one another and then water will pour out from here onto earth one more time. God Speed the Lord is Coming and a second dream only means it is coming after what you were given at that time but God is the divine purpose that Vin Desiel and i had accomplished we found our inner or given and God just showed us the Begining of Heaven six thousand years ago. one system equals out the balance and honors the weight in Gold and to Me it looks like you owe more than you can chew. you have been hustling our spirit to outreaches of this galaxy so that they can age like us today? you know you are going to have to mine? 

The Act of Life and Death

 the new and old must come together so i will step down out of their place so that tomorrow will only do right within their own garden where knowledge has given us this blessing to know what is wrong and what is right, and if you haven't taken a bite of your own fruit then let your knowledge remain silent and listen to what Roger has to say.

The Tree of God is Given for Life and Death

 a Dryad is a serpent that keeps the garden awake during the fifth and sixth seasons it should rest in order to rise and seek out a new garden that was a part of the first and last garden that keeps the garden in the center of that of all the gardens that were tree but know four and five that she also protected for Her own family on the hill and dust that serpent bites into and eats from wisdom where the roots of truth can be pulled from captivity from the rib cage of man's heart. the first day is the last unto the first and last Heaven that has been given to all who believe. that the coming will bring happiness and knowledge for the riches of many people returning back to God. and the dead came back to life among the fruit of that tree in the center of that garden that was grafted from Alamogordo New Mexico.

The Three Satans (Republican)

 the first Republican who was given the title Satan was President Bush Senior and the second had to be President Bush Jr. and the third was President Trump

The Annunaki or The Mountain God's

The Annunaki are part of the Mountain Gods (Abode) and it was the Nephilim who came to search for gold was age per generation and so did the Nephilim see the daughters of men who were God and attractive and they bred with Nephilim and our age became 120 years of age. you are not going to get Gods to mine gold where the Annunaki are who have the most gold (age) in their blood. Neburo was the 5th planet in our own system before God forced their orbit around every 10,000 years around our sun. Gods do not need ships to go to another planet they just have to believe or have faith and a Mountain can move up into Heaven above as well with a little faith.

The 5000 Who Were Saved Before the Begining

 in Heaven, the Children sing songs to praise us today the Victors and Heroes of God's gift to our children tomorrow the time that will be given the same for those who have full confidence that our crowns will be filled by our own children in flesh. we were given 5000 crowns of our own Kingdom that made us Kings and Queens of our Heaven or the God thereof. 

Tuesday, July 18, 2023

The New Beginnings of Heaven

In 2017 AD  two days after Easter, the Begining of our timeline in America is given to the Evening Line which was the hour that God had told Me that our beginning had started at 6 pm (GMT -06) which was mountain time in New Mexico. and is a testimony of our faith in the Earth below and the Heavens above that come together as one time given to reverence before it was given two days ago.  in the center of the Heavens there are two wells, the well on the left is dark waters and the one on the right is clear. the clear flows into the future, as the dark waters flow into the past. these waters flow around the Church in Heaven and around the House of God which is on a Hill to the right of that Church and in between the church and the house. this river underneath Heaven that pours out wine and four rivers one at each cornerstone of that Church in Heaven that poured out waters down on earth and as it was below so was it up above that pour water up the river and down to their Heaven below. 

The Voice of God's Day at Hand

before God had witnessed unto the voice of God who is advanced in all ages and the voice of God had turned to the right and counted all those who would be by their side and counted a multitude but to the left all those who were fall have fallen for a reason had fallen to help Earth had fallen to no understanding would be given above as it will be below and the Earth did not understand what was good and what was bad until the day that the Angels had come they just had told them to do thyself will and to give God the glory and unto them, they were the ones who worshiped and witnessed before God but the others had awaited their time and God had given it to them below who have helped the Heavens above as well the Heavens below.

The Life of Day to Rest

 There is one time that remembers the other and rules death to be concurrent and the equal of knowledge that had given life to the flesh when death came upon the spirit ate what was what is and what will become of our own day's fasting.

The Hand Of God's House

when one has been taken away all has been taken away do not let one go from the hand of the man who will hold on forever and ever. said the suicide Queen that awaits her husband's return.

Keep Only what is Good

 keep only what is good to you and omit the rest of this text

When God Is Captured and Sentenced to Life

 when everything in your head becomes a lie then step back and stop thinking about tomorrow and change what was today to change forever as to change life as we know it. if God is with you then you can not lose accept the time that injustice was against you in your corner at first, but no longer a helper of those who are persecuting you. 

The Gift of Lies

 when Heaven waits to be blessed the one who anoints falls out of faith and is given a body to do the will of God themselves and is given a chance for all to see what Heaven has given to Us today.

We Have Done Good

if you can follow your own happiness then Heaven would give that to you you never have to take it away from someone who has don good.

All Things New

if you would honor God and Honor today's Heaven you would take another that has forsaken you to be side the walls of Heaven before you would have capture of a new time or place. "when has God taken from Me the nature of God who hold s all things the same? or when can i see the last thing in your to have any measure to our heaven or dynasty? said the Gods of the upper Heaven. when have you over-turned a man into his grave and said to them arise? no you will not take what was ours and give to those everything that your lie about. or had told about to be yours when all was mine from the start. have Roger told you the Kings from the east will arise and take the world to Heavenly places that were given to the dead. why have we taken another blessing from him who holds all things new? are you not going to help a man who has helped you? but in those days God will have to rise and fight those who thought their Kingdom would overcome and set their own ahead of another. when the Kingdom returns the one who has everything set for themselves will never be given to them nor will anything that God has given to the rest of the world be saved unto them who believe Heaven has enough to welcome within and never to know without the days given beside our own day to parish. 

New Works Hampshire

 i have awakened those beside Me and have taken refuge among Me. there will be times that take the glory from us but keep the world together at hand we are the One that have be given a mission to save humanity from its own predecessor that will come and return the gift of Life to those who follow. i will ask those who God has spoken to to lead the same as you do in those times to return if one can obtain truth in the direction of the sun's harmony. that moves from east to west and back before thee in sequence.

The Bigger Has Taken Over

it is bigger to capture something unexpected than to capture something that was supposed to be captured, and those who have captured themselves trying to capture the smaller creature will be captured through their own stereophony that projects things ahead of time that have been captured but never sealed through the knowing of a secret at hand to be open as the time opened for us in Heaven that held no place within its own relm only God's  

I Must Know What Befalls on Mankind

 because the world had sacrificed themselves for the belief in Me i will sacrifice my belief for them who had believed in Me as i have Believed in Them that we are one in flesh body and soul the mind of God's return within us today that already had sacrificed thier life to save mine as i sacrificed my body to save those who were with Me in the beginning for those who promise that i have kept and given to those who believed in Me that i am a Host of Host and those who have believed in Me must follow God's hand in Heaven as the mother keeps her children safe.

Our Own Sacrafice

 what you do can not change your destiny but only your sacrifice to God can change your destiny and the destiny which you have sacrificed yourself for.

Do Not Change Your Destiny With Anothers

 To know the will of  God is to know before time that what we had done is done ahead of time before we had changed it and EVERYTHING THAT YOU HAVE CHANGED WILL BE DRAWN UNTO YOU YOU WHO HAVE CHANGED WHAT WAS GOD'S from what was our own doing. 

The Will of God is Also Your Will

 i have been subjected to this world's rule and to the wisdom that must follow my heart. have we done anything that made a change today? that made people think differently about who they are. have we ever thought of loving somebody that had never loved us before. or have given this world all that we can do for it. to know that what i have said brings the few together so that one can become as happy as those who serve the lord and are rewarded for nothing. i ask for you to take God's hand into our own to be as happy as those who have nothing in reward but happiness. if i would find happiness in one day that changes tomorrow but never today then God's happiness is the work that we had done yesterday for today to become the happiness of your deed yesterday, dont let happiness fail or embarrass you today just as long as your happy. only happiness can come from those who let you do you will.


Monday, July 17, 2023

The Reasons that We Separate

When We Want Something That Can Not Be Given We Search For Others Who Can Provide

 can you cast out your father from the house because he is acting upon instinct or differently? can you hate your mother for loving another person? who then will cast out the father and love someone different that of their own?

The New Heavenly Order

 do not blame a church but that one that detours it from the truth. is it not to our own understanding that we serve the Lord and those who serve the Lord are equal terms. do not separate a church from God but challenge the leader of it that misleads the same words that we believe in.

The Kings of The East

 the Russians have been our friends after the cold war. God had brought two together to fight and then make up after all the days that people had feared would come the Lord had intervened and given peace to us today and let us give back to what God has given us and that is peace. so let us intervene today for Russia and Ukraine to a sovereign place as Brussia and a Bride of Russia to be given as a bride to America for God our Shining Star (Pesident Putin) in Russia 

The Word of God in Us

 " this day i can not understand the things that make us separate from each other. what is it money? if you see yourself getting broke, is that a time to separate? when two can come together and make a difference. what else is it because you do not feel for your man? then do not fear and remember your vow to that man. never feel that your better than your own our the Lord will take that person that your than and lift them." said President Putin

Sunday, July 16, 2023

Out of the Other

The Beast of Feathers the Best of the One that Came Out of the Other

 the world is prepared by God that holds all things possible. all things new, when man first saw the possibilities of God's hand turning everything to gold. the man tried to do it himself but messed up and the woman's bloodline was a golden vein that started from the heart that beat the Dragon into a mold that forms a small bird into a great worm that swallowed the bird that swallowed the wyrm and it grew scales of old and horns of a Kingdom that grew justice. and as we had blown the horn it was just us that ate at all the  Kingdoms within the eighth firmament that was different than other dimensions that ate the last one within. and when the mountains fled the lion grew wings that fly toward the Old Dragon known as the Cockatrice and would swallow that Old Dragon called God. and nations would wonder if the land would be possessed by demons of great stature. but one demon from the other was profound in everything that He had done well. and the Lord took favor and used this demon as the Horn that blew into the night and Judged the world as we know it today. and judged it well. for Roger had saved this world seven times and is known as the Lord of Saviours. and whoever shall fight His name shall be dormant from the head to the heart unto the body and will never be able to live again. for He came to save the world but those who did not know him tried to kill Him who saved the world seven more times since. i am the Father of Heaven and you are my Children that hold this blessing for all tomorrow and those who fight you in my name will die before trying. i am your protector and the Father who protects all those above themselves who were made in the same image of God.

Saturday, July 15, 2023

The Third Level of Depth and Wisdom

 i was in Heaven where i saw Pope Frances in the second entrance door and He gave me a seat to sit upon and when did, the King Our Holiness was to my right as i sat in the lodging of Heaven that became council and Judges that will help people and i saw three waves or depths of faith to the Law of God where They are seated as judges or Priest that have the day of Judment today for many to be involved in an occult that must not reoccur until this will be protected by God the Father of Heaven and Evil that is given a Holy name after God receives rejection but becomes judged by God themselves of the first wave was the body of the depth that we hold together. and as i was by myself i saw the level of Judges and Priests seen before Me counseling Me and guiding Me back unto this day created in the face of all directions that makes the Law God's principal

War and Marriage

in covenant, there are two people that share the same culture and the same Gods but the other people's Gods will treat the other God's people more gently because these begotten people were loved by your God first while the other God loved you first as a begotten people. four on each side plus one in the middle equals ten not including the people itself that equals 12.

A Promise Made in Heaven Who Believe in God

The Light of Spirits is quick as the light of the sun and even faster during God Speed the spirit can be seen descending and ascending upon you as if it took a second to do a thousand years of work from whence your spirit left the body and returned back unto the body. i have been manically accepted unto the Seed of Heaven that was lowered into Purgatory before i had risen in captivity to know freedom on earth. and i Roger Grant have followed earth from here unto there from whence i was, am, and will become again as the worlds in Heaven would hear the final Trump out from the earth the bright forth the last trumpet to all the worlds above as to warn them of a Marriage that may turn bloody if not taken away and the Wars of Wars will grow bitter and dry and many will die alike in this marriage that brought fourth and third and a fifth of the inhabitants of this earth to swim in the blood that was made to wine from a river falling out from Heaven and the people of this earth will long to suffer to believe in love again they break up to make up that is they will do, and these ones who fall face forward will remain true to their wives. and if your mind had thought while reading this maxim your spirit had already left and returned through a promise given to God for a Heaven that was made for two and for you and your love.

The Mountain Lion

 i was caught up in WW III which was a spiritual War in Heaven; planet on planet; world on world. that has been ready for this NEW WORLD ORDER to exist through who has been chosen to be as God wanted Us to be at His or Her side at this time. so that we may become peacekeepers of those who needed our help. remember Prophecy can change at any time, and Heaven can change at any time. above all the Rights of Heaven are given to its own HOME. that those who want to live in captivity may live in captivity but those who want to live free from others ruling this world, then i have given you the right to destroy ourselves, our body, and free another that may hold this position as an advantage to this day that we have already won. the end of days that i had life given back to Me through you who kept Me alive, you are Keeper and the Light of this World that hose to know God before they would know death. and when the day is silent the two eyes are focused and given a time to know life and death. anything that brings life to a mountain lion that looks for life to live and be given for one to live again its self the tail of this beast's tail is the same length as its body and early in its years shows the leopard's skin as a cheetah or a lawless body that would hide the eyes of a predator within its self within the fiery bush. and the tail will balance the beast in the sky and pounce on the tops of people that were searching for Me. i have set the desert in this time for a place within a city that was chosen as a gathering on top of this mountain lions skin that is within the mountains as well as searching for the day that it feeds its children. and in this day the time will come forth and seize this city of Alamogordo that has brought forth supplies as the greater missiles that fall from Heaven in rage. come forth in a new dimension that must carry on before the new time is lifted from the waters that run high or low enough to fight for our life in a valley of sins that bring forth the death of any valley in Heaven; coming forth to renew this day at hand that must relive in 360 years for another time 36 years to unfold within each other and for opening the scrolls of darkness. for this day is not to pass without empathy so the lives of each body were filled with heart and still they died trying to fight us in Heaven on Earth they are never upon us without a good fight to be at their door so now i live and fight this new holy that will last one day more before it would continue. We have fought the Russians and Chinese and we fight no more to the east for the Kings of this world will rise out from the far east again as the Lord can be seen again. remember Heaven can change at any time.  watch for white uniforms that make the farmer a point of attack but come together for each other who never planned but will come together in majesty.

i am the Truth of Light and Life

the lies that we fulfill are from sin. we have lost our minds trying to know a person when i am that Kingdom of God's body one without knowledge and taken from my family tree as a branch that was broken once before to fit our grafting but now it holds no fruit towards God's people. are you, not the first of my temple that hold on to other Gods in a temple of free people as blasphemy that was separated by a nation that must hold on to a person that must rise as a teacher to be on its own the head or that has been giving one chance to know the truth. and if it was not for this person this world would see darkness as the sun and moon and all the stars that will be taken out of their place. and many did not see these Angels that Roger had bound and place into darkness that covered the whole universe. and these Angels that they were GOOD but in hour Roger beats them down into the ground and find their own churches suffering as Roger rises out from the earth to proclaim the True Church of God to be a lie to itself or to the world as the world would know this branch that has broken off so that the TRUE nation of many nations would be misled from the truth that Roger has spoken along time ago. and if we would reveal to anyone these seeds that grew from this world we would fast forward to the end of this world as a branch broken from this tree that was made into a hatchet that cuts down it own tree that it was broken off from. and those who will lie about God and not change any of these words into good then yes i did not teach us well and we who hold on to other religions and beasts that can not be grafted back onto this tree, then yes we were not worthy to take hold of this blessing unless we teach what we taught as good to be worse than it was before than what we thought was good then we All are as good as DEAD. turn to the one who God has sent turn to a Prophet of God to be saved. and learn from the truth and not from the DEAD where we all have claimed the worth of our own grave that had forced our teachings to the DEAD of EARTH that was is and will be the Father of Heaven rising out from the Hells of God's Keeper that thought they had power over the Powers of God that was manifested in Roger as He speaks great things and shows great miracles that are made for those Who Believe in Me as Jesus Christ believes in Me that hold the seven stars and nations that worthy to take a hold of this book and eat from it as to gain strength in these days that want this world to DIE. but if you are with the true God then you would live as this world would live again.

The Book of Revelations Has Been Fulfilled

 we speak in the Temple of God (Telepathy) and many will say that they are Me, but are only trying to deceive people that they are Me. they will speak when i am speaking and try to show that they were Me in the Spirit. and our Faith of Us today will bring fire from Heaven not meaning modern warfare but from faith that had made many prostate and wonder about the 10,000 Angels that lived on earth doing miracles of God. but it is our faith will bring forth every prophecy in the Book of Revelations so that i Roger Grant Who was Jesus Christ will be the only one to reveal this blessing given to the world.

Allotments of God's Prophecy

 those who would make money over war and not over manpower that holds the nation in power alone will lose face and character. those who take from demand will lose all Supply of Heaven as a provider of God's word that has been the Mouth of Dragons and a horn of horns that had been blown from two directions so that the land would give the Power of God to this one person who is the BEAST that has two horns and two Kingdoms and two days that were given before the last become the first and a time after the times that were given to Roger Grant the First Ressurection of God and half the time that was given in Hell. so those who clean blood money with blasphemy will transgress against the Power of God's Heaven. the Priest will not give a pardon until the body is sacrificed and the head is slain from the Book of Life that holds all new slates written from the Hearts of God, and when your name is blotted from this book then no man of flesh from your bloodline will enter into Heaven. to achieve separation from influence divides the prostate from the Nation of God. to uphold what was not of God is another piece of a treaty that is recognized before it is stabilized. and to hide what was not for the state could not be common law for the church as well.

Friday, July 14, 2023

Cane and Able The Shepherd and Garden's Keeper

 Who Will Sacrifice Thier Own Dead for Peace

the firstborn is the most recent born and the last born is a child that was born before the firstborn or recent. when Cain killed Abel the firstborn was it any different than the firstborn in Egypt or in Isreal when the children were put to death but not a physical death, it was a sacrifice of Priesthood to serve God. just as Abel served God while Cane was marked and given a wife. and where ever Cain would go (Modern Russia) A firey sword that pointed in every direction that God had received this blessing through the Light of this world. when Prophecy is a mark of Heaven do not seal your ashes fighting God's Children. the light of that house is hidden and not in sight but those who are trying to separate that house of God should know better than to separate a House of God with nonappropriate funds that can be better used for peace and not a settlement.

there will be a marriage in Russia that will bring peace to this World and the gate to the northeast is now open and can remain so that all can see who is not received and not given to know God's marriage is greater than your time without children, so the Cheribum will wait until the rivers are dry and give unto the Kings that are prepared to be washed by the waters of change that separate every country for peace. and every cheek touching another cheek that is eye to eye. for this day is given to the Muslim for the Peace of Heaven that was kept only between them who suffered this blessing for all to know peace is with them and the Madhi who fills the Cups of Heaven with peace and the world was drunken and slept late in the Sunday afternoon that will bring peace for all in this world.

one is in Heaven as one is below. and as one is like a cane that helps the other become able. one is the shepherd the other a garden's keeper. one works the earth while the other does good work in the Heavenly sky. one is the first born the other is the last born although they are alike. one is Heavenly while the other is earthly. one had died from a head wound while the other was from a bite to the heel. if you know who i am talking about then the solid rock of your head was hit with a flintstone as a thought had sparked a tiny memory as if you already had died and gone to Heaven.

The Sin of Lying within Yourself

 when we die in sin it will carry on to the next life if you were not forgiven today. when die in sin we die thinking that we were in the right when you died not knowing the truth of these words that are pure, but you made the word a weapon of death and was angry during your death with these words that were only good to speak out unclean things and lies such as yourselves who claim they one with God and only one in one in hundred that can not see the words that are cover in this Bible by Heaven's own true works. and those who die in sin are angry in Spirit because they thought that they were right. said the Mother of God. 

The War in Russia

Who Will Sacrifice Thier Own Dead for Peace

 the firstborn is the most recent born and the last born is a child that was born before the firstborn or recent. when Cain killed Abel the firstborn was it any different than the firstborn in Egypt or in Isreal when the children were put to death but not a physical death, it was a sacrifice of Priesthood to serve God. just as Abel served God while Cane was marked and given a wife. and where ever Cain would go (Modern Russia) A firey sword that pointed in every direction that God had received this blessing through the Light of this world. when Prophecy is a mark of Heaven do not seal your ashes fighting God's Children. the light of that house is hidden and not in sight but those who are trying to separate that house of God should know better than to separate a House of God with nonappropriate funds that can be better used for peace and not a settlement.

there will be a marriage in Russia that will bring peace to this World and the gate to the northeast is now open and can remain so that all can see who is not received and not given to know God's marriage is greater than your time without children, so the Cheribum will wait until the rivers are dry and give unto the Kings that are prepared to be washed by the waters of change that separate every country for peace. and every cheek touching another cheek that is eye to eye. for this day is given to the Muslim for the Peace of Heaven that was kept only between them who suffered this blessing for all to know peace is with them and the Madhi who fills the Cups of Heaven with peace and the world was drunken and slept late in the Sunday afternoon that will bring peace for all in this world.

The Cain and Abled Man (Spirit and Flesh)

one is in Heaven as one is below. and as one is like a cane that helps the other become able. one is the shepherd the other a garden's keeper. one works the earth while the other does good work in the Heavenly sky. one is the first born the other is the last born although they are alike. one is Heavenly while the other is earthly. one had died from a head wound while the other was from a bite to the heel. if you know who i am talking about then the solid rock of your head was hit with a flintstone as a thought had sparked a tiny memory as if you already had died and gone to Heaven.

Let Those Who Know the Truth Suffer

 make every truth a secret that holds the suffering and every place a home under God's roof. every future is a home for God and family, husband and wife. but let them two endure so that tomorrow may be the same place given to those who are older and need our help.

Thursday, July 13, 2023

The After World or Death After We Know It

 can you see in the celestial world that holds time unless time was a dimension of the mind-body and heart that marks a path in the spirit unto where ever you may go. and to transverse into a reality may bring peace unto those who needed to speak and path back unto where they are at. many may lose their way here hoping to control something God had made a long time before them who can never find themselves anywhere but in the chasm where those who believe in Me Roger Grant can cross over in time to have words with someone who you trust. i will allow closer of the living and dead. but no longer than those words that needed to be said. and if you can not see the spirit world then pay a medium to loan their ears and body too help communicate for the living, who are not the dead. but what is living inside of us as well.

The Sign of The Cross

 the time continuum starts from up to down and from left to right like the sign of the cross that Catholics do when they are outside a church or in the presence of the Lord who is time everlasting in one dimension called an All Continuum.

The Staff of Healing (Chief in Staff)

take what Heaven has forsaken in others that can not see the Kingdom or the face of God matters not to the living because they had become God and God dwells with them on earth. tell all that whoever sees God will die never to see God's face again. but will arise at the end of times to be like God with a heavenly body that was corruptable and corruptive by them who could not bring peace to this world or who could not bring peace to themselves at the end of the seven-year period when God's Kingdom starts to rule with a spokesperson who gains the trust of Heaven and Earth and is given the keys to Heaven and Hell and will rule the Heavens above with a Staff and Spear that heals the sick and tired through the spirit of God that is within us all on Earth as a constitution to Heaven.

Knowledge is the Hybrid of Truth and Wisdom

  the Church of Truth stood alone and everything was built around it. many Churches were built around it calling it the center garden and when that tree falls or when that church falls many churches will want to know who is the church that rises in that place and many churches will seek out the church that has a false doctrine. many churches will find that missing space and time to be their own return home. and if some would raise that church of truth then that tree that stands alone will be heard and will tell the story of truth and not the stories of another person who never knew themselves but knew the Father would be coming here to America. and if we would build that church back up to stand alone again all the other churches will be heard and the doors will be opened the Lord will speak out through the Temples of Heaven and out all the windows of Houses that speak God's name as their own Father in Heaven live within them today. and this Tree of Truth that was dead but now lives again will find the Tree of Wisdom and be lifted beside each other and will be heard once again in Heaven. 

The Harvest Time is Ready

 when the market has fallen or closed then the selling of this household will commence and the mistress must be dewed but first in the distance a man who had severed his ties from the world to be next to a young widow who has five children and five marriages and days of heaven to withstand. how bad is the widow that loved wisdom and returned when truth was revealed through Roger was married in the blood of the lamb before they were swallowed into the river where they both remain quiet until today, but still died for the cause of heaven reuniting together again. and you had taken this daughter of our quit often and been resourcing Roger through Heaven as to die in your own Trap of Kings. but those who have given their entire life to know God will succeed in this task as Roger had found the truth in Heaven and freed himself from misery and the chains that crush our society into believing that were are not God's children. and from there the Lord had given five daughters in Heaven as one became the other so shall i help that one who is separated but true from his own faith that God has set in that day to understand this blessing. that must be given attention to all men and all women below that God is Among the Children of Heaven and Space, a time to journey back unto our planet called Hearth.

The First of Our Fruits in Heaven are the Marketers

 the first of fruit is given to the hand that had given you, when the fruit is freshest it is given to the one that takes the harvest into the storage where it can be moved for another day to fill this storage again. so those who demand our seeds will wait until the harvest is complete and then trade them for the next bidder to see our inspection and lean on Heaven.

Do not Suffer the Children of Own Nation or House

 there is plenty in this world and when one suffers the mind rewards those who done good, but when others make people suffer then the mind becomes captive for those who did understand that there is plenty but suffering brings us freedom to do what was good. what is supplied is also in demand but to those who supply the ones who  are always in demand will be come their own house and fellowship but not another person demanding them to do that right things through lies or conspiracy or to do others like themselves harm or even worse arrest them for being humble.

The Days of Rest

 to know that we have done good all day keeps us warm and will keep us steadfast and never afraid, and to know that we have done bad all day keeps us cold and will keep us alert always afraid. so do what is in our heart is to do what light brings forth or around when you are in the dark, for the Lord will reward you many things that keep you warm at night and ready for the morning to come.

The Light and Creation of This World

 to see the light and to feel the light, we have to be alive our soul must be of our own. we must know that what touches our soul will last forever. every good thought will last forever, even the voice that is willing to good will last forever. and those who know of this light can take hold of this light within as it keeps us warm in the cold of darkness. listen to your everlasting voice that is in the Essence of Heaven. and the Angel above will speak unto the world as it speaks unto Me. and as the warmth of God's word comforts you soul in a blanket that keeps you safe knowing what was bitter is on the outside. and from seeing the light come down to earth many will do great things on earth that magnified our soul through our body as one with the spirit of God, .Amen

Wednesday, July 12, 2023

The Tree of Knowledge

 the first thing that i decree is Heaven can change at anytime and those who were here before on earth will receive their knowledge from the past that will change this world. there will many people who will receive this blessing for tomorrow's out reaching into space as we procreate today on earth, this will be an explosion of knowledge and the tree there of will be bare but will be put to good use for those who have faith in God Who we trust.

I Did Not Know What to Say

there world was starting to fight brother on brother and i didn't know what to say so i said "your either with Me or Against Me." the war got worse, people started getting violent somebody got poked in the eye.

The Captain of the Ukrainian Guard

 President Yeltsin had us brought in the spirit. President Putin and I see that the captain was needed for heart surgery and the closest place in order to live would be a Russian hospital so President Putin told the men to take him to a Russian hospital.

God Will Always Protect Us

 Don't try to protect God, God does not need a sinner's help so that he can prosper near God or show that they are above God. no! stay in your place when you ought to. and never get God upset. you do not discipline God nor do you portray someone as God by touching another in Spirit. for that will come you in the flesh and be taken from you who hold this as a blessing of hope by disguising themselves as angels of light because in that day every loop and every time they see Us they had forgotten that they had spent a whole life doing the same things that got them punished in the lake of fire before they could return to be judged again by Roger who holds them there every thousand of years to return and do his bidding because they were cowards and always fled their punishment, causing others to fill in their spot. and like i said before one day on earth is thousand years in our own Hell that does not change but remains the same burning pit that traps your own family within and scorches your friends reminding them of what's to come.

The Sacrifice of Annulment

The Sacrificing God Daily can not be Atonement

 the Sacrifice of Sins will not be given to today except us who were saved for today's return to earth with Jesus Christ who will rule the Heavens above and will give Heaven or earth to those who fought beside Him in Heaven and who believed Him in Heaven and who never doubted that messenger who came to rise in God's place so that all who love God will see His face. who is the same face as our true form in one another that will stay hidden until i return in another man who is under Christ. i will open the gates to the life-given heaven that is cared for by the Mothers of Heaven who hold on to this blessing that was placed as a protection of heart to know who is beside him or her when is pulled out to make what was just as equal and time stronger in Man for a time that is now and will continue unto tomorrow morning brings the noon after. She is the foundation of our pyramid. and if this foundation was not correctly built then what was above shall be below as well. i will not sacrifice myself to another who did not appreciate their life nor any others that loved them as false gods who thought they were Gods but were children of the earth who stood in our place long enough and made people believe in them as Gods while we had to suffer and sacrifice ourselves to be free. they were never created to be God only the masters of themselves that tried to become their own Heavenly God in my land so i destroyed them and made them a new Heaven one that they can become the land and still be married to a woman who is the Hand of God. it is now our faith to do as i have done and free others from their own sacrifice by helping each other and keeping this covenant with God and Family.

The Last Prophet Was Muhammad

 The Last Prophet of God was Muhammad as i became The First Prophet, Roger Grant

the role of a Hero is to kill and take what was ours back. but you get mad because they are unstoppable like Berserkers and wild as animals that are smaller and less intelligent than ourselves. but they only have the wild to live in while their family is in captivity. they are humble crafters and husbands that breed many domestic animals that take to their land with grace.  any man or woman that believes in God or a master that is only good then that servant will only bleed for the best in Heaven. and anyone can believe in themselves as that Hero would sacrifice themselves for the family that God had died for long ago. long before the awakening of Children of God holding on to a sword of grace and wisdom through sacrifice and the experience of defending another while dying in battle are the marching of saints that are called into the last battle when the final Trump is blown. then the Armies of God will be prepared by Heavenly Angels that listen to the First Shepherd of God as they did the First Prophet of God Roger Grant but now is Josh Who is the First Prophet of God. "I will turn ordinary people into Heroes and into the Children of God's encampment." said the First Prophet of God who is Josh.

The Rich and The Poor

 a victim of a crime is neither rich nor poor but the person that had been taken and the richer you are the more you have been taken.

To Bear Suffering is to Bare it Alone

a man of God who is enlightened can change the world that we live in. but many who live in a perfect world would die or kill if it were to change. there would be war and many things around would start to happen as God manifests in His Chosen one. the lands would start to become unstable as the law demands more money from those who are poor. and the sliding market will move up and down at great rates. many people will hear a Voice of God coming out of the desert making the people smile and be happy. reassuring that everything is going to be alright. and many will come to hear the Voice of God and will be happy because there was God while others will praise God continuously for the promise that's about to come. some will say "Well, I Will Be" meaning that they would be as God had made it so. so many people will keep this a sacred secret While the Word Gets Out. say to others that the Lord has returned and has given us favor. has given Us the road to Heaven by the wayside or a time to take what was ours, back! and to give unto others what God had given unto us, and that is freedom. to suffer and be happy. to suffer because the next man is suffering as well. to suffer because no one else would help the neighbor, to suffer because our kids need clothing. and it is this type of suffering that makes everything alright. and no matter how much suffering is to come the will Lord bear it as we bare it together. the Lord does not allow us to bare the suffering that we can not handle.

The Shepherd Among Wild Wolves

all Poor and Rich people alike enter into Heaven but only the few who take from the rich or the poor can never enter.

the tenderness of sheep shall lie beside the shepherd in hopes to cover their head. and the roof of God's house is the opening of the rain that falls upon my children's heads that hold no value or structure outside their body but inside is strong while the ones that try to hurt them more by making a poor man poorer than them who hold everything else of that shepherd falling apart. they say to the Shepherd that stays beside His Sheep just to stay warm in the winter. because the Shepherd was never home so His wife through Him out of the house and kept the children. this Shepherd decides to move on because everything that he needed was with Him like food warmth and an open meadow to dream upon. but the wolves that had stolen everything from this Shepherd found out that He would stay along the wayside to feed Shepherd's fold. they planned to give mercy and kill the Shepherd that only had 12 sheep and a dream. they could not hold back their hate for this man Shepherd that only wanted a chance in life to do what God wanted Him to do and never fail. but it is for the rich man who is never going to enter Heaven anyway, meaning the only few who are rich and poor but take more than they deserved) to take as much as He can and whenever He can. there is a hole in their heart that can not be filled. it will consume other people's money, property and family and never stop at what they do until that man is dead.

Tuesday, July 11, 2023

The Breathe of Life in Man

Where Did Creation's Breathe Start?

where did the wind go? where did the rain go? where did the waters go? where did the first and second firmament go? where did life go? nowhere it had stayed here and survived.

When We Stopped Talking to God, The Winds Will Stop Blowing Through the Air. 

here in America (US), the wind would stop for four years after the running of the race or election it belongs to the republican that came from Greece when the winds would stop for four years or you would have your second wind back.

The Kingdom's Children

 the way we did things can change at any time but King Charles liked how everything was according to the begotten Child of God which now remains the same as before The King's Child is the same as the Kingdoms Child meaning a chosen or a forgotten was remembered and was given a place in your own Home. 

The Heart Beat of the Mother's Child

 ‌the heart beat of Heaven on earth is the high and low tides of our Universe.

The Muse of Heaven is a Woman Thinking

 the cast of Heaven remain the same, and everyday i came to set the stage for this dynamic Heavenly script to play its self out. i would call out upon the ambient of nature and heavenly light and upon the Muse that sends the cords of life unto a tomorrow to know the truth or the difference the that stands up upon a thought or becomes one as the serpent and as tricky as Her too sing the songs of today that carries on forever and ever the true Music of God's word that soothes the Kings and the Kingdoms of Heaven. 

The Horns that Blow Together as One

trust is a faith that carries on in our children and their children for listening to God's voice. because some people forgot how to listen many had to die. and at a time when the trumpet was the last one, it became the last two blow and that was taken from the first of heaven where there the first and last were one or the same. i will give unto you the mysteries of Heaven but do not share them with anyone else seal them before the times that are to come. and for this, i will give to you your portion of Heaven at that time that must be bidded for or protected and then the Lord will give you strength and then will exalt only those who are humble. take my hand and place it on her heart and say to her this is just the start of our happiness and the end of hateful people that never made it before.

The Most Highest, Even Higher Than Him

 the rivers will take you up into the higher Heavens or will turn to fire and lower your spirit into Hell a place where i Roger Grant was resurrected from the underworld of Hearth. i had fought in the first War of Heaven and We lost horribly, it was a surprise attack that went their way. we were all in shame and were placed into a place on earth. i could hear torment everywhere that i had gone in 1993 Sierra Vista AZ. but i eventually rose up to the top in Heaven. i am the Father of Heavens and no other God is higher or has been higher than Me. 

Trust Me

 trust in the what your heart says, and trust in God even more, i will give you hope and the the last chance that must be seen in all who have a good heart and a place in Heaven forever.

The Death and Reward

 i have given the world to its own time and the world to its own people and they decided to do the same things that happened before. with one sweep the heavens will disappear and be given to our people on Hearth to rule this open Kingdom that God had prepared from the start. we are at peace with al;l who has come to start a new life and those who came after them to kill the rest have now killed themselves outside our borders trying to enter our domain. 

Monday, July 10, 2023

God is Man and Woman Combined (Human)

 God is a living being on this earth that holds all things accountable on earth as it is in Heaven. and those who believe in Me believe in the great marriage of the church and state land and waters to be a separate state as to life and death; faith and the Law of God  coming together as one body that defends the rights of Heaven and Earth together.

The One True Answer That We All Know

I Am Man and Woman Alike I Am Mankind Living Together As One
Who Am I? they ask themselves Am I? but in reality it is i who they think so therefore i am there thinker. to be, or not to be is the one question that they can not answer, because i am from so many times away that the first day began in the last. i live in every mind, heart, and body. and still i search the true answers that lie within Me. i am Atom ( Roger ) the first and the last creation within ourselves; the smallest creation of all that fits every being.

The Awakening of God's People

 in the year 2023 i have set the mind on the body and the mind back onto the heart where many will come against Me Roger Grant and try to say to those who live but are sleeping to awaken and hear their voice so that the ones that hear my voice will be alikend to Me Roger Grant said Bobby Manning but will hear another voice that tries to become Me Roger Grant and they will say do not listen to anybody else but Me other than Roger Grant, when the one you heard first who was Roger will now become an enemy because they had told you that they were the Voice of God when Roger was the voice of god that awakened you.

Judgment of the Catholic Church

St. Jude Catholic Church

 my wife Eleanor was in the shower when i and St. Seth had entered the bathroom that she was in and there was a heavenly mist that over taken Me away in the spirit to St. Jude Catholic Church Alamogordo, N.M., and the Lord said to Me look at all marble white statues of saints. and as He had said that a thought had come to mind that made Me sad. here i was the Christ and it felt like my color was ignored as the Church had already known but forgotten. and that day i had Judged the Catholic Church on earth. and after that, i felt better. 

Sunday, July 9, 2023

The Big Boom in Heaven

 the Catholic Church helped trained Me to create the universe again after the faith of God restored our world back to peace and those who are behind Me, protect Me as i am behind you who believe that Satan had our backs before i was even in our corner. we had created the whole universe together without a flaw in deep space where the outer and inner space break between each other. before it is given another day to overcome the light of nature. when God was at the age of 5 the word was spoken out loud and the planet manifested the spirit of than child who was depressed and pressed into mountains over the child's captivity that was kept in the center of that mountain to flow upward into the second firmament where darkened clouds that covered over the land of smoke and prayers to the Mountain Gods on top of the Sacred Mountains of New Mexico where "Old Baldy's head is kissed by the Heavens above" Sierra Blanca is the highest mountain and the height of the New Heaven that descended and ascended 1/3 of Heaven upon the center of this earth was fixed the Foundation of Heaven to the top and bottom of Heaven that makes a stairwell into Heaven with three cornerstone that were pulled out of their place as the world heard three consecutive thunders in Heaven above happened, three nights of darkness followed before the fourth corner was replaced back into its place where four corners of earth come together a loud concussion was heard as a big boom that rearranged the Stars of Heaven to become our own family members.

Do Not Covet (Give and Take)

The Guest is a Marriage and Covenant Given to God 

 our debts have be paid in full and we have been given a transfer into Heaven as a guest and the Host that gathers man day of end upon the days of God within the market place where our forgiveness welcomes the places in life that loses their way into selling and buying what God has given to Us as a provider of every provision that God had seen coming from the earth's soil that holds the flesh and bone of every church and every body in Heaven for one that is the oldest but will return the youngest on earth. to one above and to the other below such as Roger Grant my husband will be gathered unto Heaven for to Judge those who were unworthy of God's blessing. said my wife Carolyn who is a Lioness among the Lion of Heaven the King of God's Kingdoms that drank at Her waters that gave back 1/3 in life and 1/3 of the body and 1/3 of One Marriage that remains one family to every brother and to every husband of that wife in household. man can only have 3/3 divorces, but if they still love that woman that they divorced and that woman still loves him, then under God they are still married and neighbors but will not covet each others wife. 

  1. Covet: never give something away, and then take it back.
  2.  never take what was given by God.
  3.  never take away a promise or marriage given to Her who says "I Do."

Sin No More Inside You Home

You Can Not Sin Against God in Your Own House

 i gave the enemy a foster parent, a Hospital, marriage, and a child for one year to become fostered and then given back to the two who will carry on with life for the next generation or one score years to become one season or one Daughter that becomes the Mother of these five sons that return as one. the Lord knows the spirit will bring these two back unto another day that held the first seeds of Heaven. the Lord made the man look at the woman and everything good or bad was forgotten before the Lord and the Lord gave the man a body that must break down before it will become uncorrupted from the land that was worth buying a Heaven for and a wife that follows Her man through the thick of his skin and the thinness of Her heart that will live and die together in Heaven or Hell. if you would let them become free people of the world and work the land that God has given to them and before they can leave one another behind they must seek a child protector for the last born son that will always be the same man that had died five-times before and had returned to the farm where he last saw his wife where they would speak and laugh with one another without anyone separating them. when you are in your house or someone else's house "SIN NO MORE" and thank God for your Health (forgiveness) the right of the constitution that heals with hospitality.

Those Who Have Conquered Death

 the Angels of Heaven are given the authority of Us on earth as well as in Heaven, it is hard to tell an Angel from God to Man or Woman. to know that they are God, and the Angels of Heaven are given the authority to know and understand the Trees of Heaven that fall over the night sky will not return but blight sets deeper in that body than light and could not pick itself up, due to its condition. they are the first of your generation to conquer death. God will be given to every Angel in sight and every blessing the stay true to God's New Heaven that holds all the days of our lives that are given to time, place an order that was created from us today as a paradimen. that holds the timelines of future and past event to come from the same Creators of Heaven and today we have come back in peace for this fight in Heaven that would change the Universe as we now know it. Amen.

Saturday, July 8, 2023

Sin is a Probable Reaction that Must Be Forgiven

sin is a reaction to a wrong action. sin is an automatic reaction to what you have wrongfully done to another, but when the righteous overcomes the sinner in a landslide then the righteous would appear victorious every time. do not sin anymore against someone that you had done wrong. but give back to them who you sinned against at least half of what was taken or damaged. never the less one should forgive the righteous as the day returns back to normal. you will never forgive yourself until you have closure. meaning you have repented to the one you have done wrong and were forgiven of your sins. we should forgive as we are forgiven for one sin a day.

The Promissory Note of Keep

 those who may live today may suffer for the wrong reasons that help enable others to capitalize on themselves or to be taken by good people who would normally not. trust in others when they take advantage of your wealth. but to gain something that is to be given to others when they need it, is a good value to everyone, but to demand your investing to stock or gain more money is a miserable addiction that may cost you everything that God had given to you. said Mr. Mrs. Herrera (Accounting)

The Word and Warning

to all who know knowledge let death be your oath of spiritual understanding to be its own reward and righteousness in the Spirit of God that places All creations at one time in one Spirit of God that opens your heart for others and then for yourself who must sacrifice themselves to be Priests, Sorcerers or Magicians that do the will of God that holds all things perfect in their eyes. and if you read from this book you may die from it. for the Lord is thy Shepherd.

The Greater Good

 the greater good is an absence of one will towards another. it is the absolute truth when Heaven returns. it helps us to guide one another ...