Monday, July 31, 2023

The Greater Good

 the greater good is an absence of one will towards another. it is the absolute truth when Heaven returns. it helps us to guide one another to our own goals and achievements when one is doing better than what we have accomplished. it is a driven voice from the father telling us that we are doing good. and happiness that God holds inside every one of His Children that are helping others the same way that God helped us so that we could help others when they are in need.

The Voice of Destruction

in the beginning, the Lord had given us the Word of God and the Word of God was within us, and the Word of God created within us the Voice of Everlasting peace or a voice of everlasting destruction and the voice of peace heard the word and spoke the word and out from the mouth of man came the Word of God and the Word of God is a promise to everlasting peace as a promise from the beginning until the end of time that God may speak his voice and may be heard forever and ever. and those who speak about nothing and always interrupt while God is in us speaking. will destroy a world from a new foundation that belongs to God.

Saturday, July 29, 2023

the time

 when the day is given to things you see will be given as an alternate to understanding that i have laid my life for those who never understood the likeness of heaven

Thursday, July 27, 2023

They Have No Life only Dreams that loop

 when the grace of God peels off those who are good then they will believe that God had sent them to die instead of hating someone who has done nothing wrong are they not in our creation? then let them beings die here alone where we are or we all must die.

The Face of God Blessed

when someone has to fight for thier blessing because you have stolen the blessing that God had given to them do not wave it in their face or wait till they get there or the Lord thy Father will be before they get it or you will be punished beyond your curse now and if you don't have a blessing then surely don't play with anothers.

The Light of Tomorrow

 last night awaken in sleep after having dreams of my daughter Rianna telling me what quadrants in Space or in Heaven would be ours this happened all night long.

The Lost Soul Without Memeory

those who hear my voice will hear the coming of the Lord the reminder of what is about to come and what t already happened the one within the body is the Lord and the heart of Heavenly people who know what has happened and what is to come.

The Words of God are the Flesh of Prophets

 there is a place that must become the tender voice of heaven that guides you a long unto heaven and when the time was given the place would be Alamogordo the place of heavens restart where the morning must return at evening and Roger pulled out his day and spoke out loud which drew in a million Angels that were half on the side of Gods right and half on the side of Gods left. and those who would honor Roger's time today would also be given to Heaven alike. but those who fail will fight and take the long path home before they can fight again. and we destroyed their path and home destroyed their absent mind and their days to come for the people who just lived on earth but thought that they were to receive what was given to me and they could hold the money that they had stolen from Me and the times that they wanted me died because i was the one who spoke in Gods name and in God's spirit the one who is and will always be the Father of Lies unless you believe in what i say so that we can now carry on in a new Heaven on Earth. and if you can eat from them who God has fed then every truth of God's heart is in your will.

The Great Natural Selection

the aftermath was too impossible to calculate and those scattered within these elements would not remember that what was told is only true we are the remnants of our Kingdoms that were destroyed through violence and through another hand that held only self-respect to those who were strong or to those who had made their own place greater than someone who was standing at their kingdom as a wall when Heaven knew that i was God's eternal spirit and the greater particle to everyone elses day standing alike for theirs was not living and their day was still to become.

The Two God's of Heavens Outer Core

 When the Gods Of Supreme the times return under arrest and the day was given two earthlings that would be the Judgement of Heaven above when the day returns at standing point and cent to every garden that a i had stood for it day.

The Greater Good

 the greater good is an absence of one will towards another. it is the absolute truth when Heaven returns. it helps us to guide one another ...